Now that our company, officially named “Yes Promo Products Ltd” is 6 years old, we felt it was time to refresh and revive our brand. After all, one of our key messages to our customers is that your brand is a hugely important asset for your business!
We were delighted to have the opportunity to work with John McCarthy at JMC3, who did an excellent job of devising our new brand concept, colours and logos. We’ve streamlined our look from the old magenta and green paint palette to sleek purple and white, with a complete change to our motif. We opted for the hummingbird; a colourful creature that flies for up to 22 hours per day, working hard just like we do! Beating its wings 80 times per second, the hummingbird rarely stops gathering nectar just as the branded products we create never stop working for our clients.
We’ve created some new straplines too; “Keeping your business busy” is our unique pledge. It’s also an art that requires careful selection of the right gift and the right quality to enhance your brand’s values and carry your message to your audience. We promise to deliver quality gifts to build awareness, leads, trial and loyalty.
Yes Promo Clothing becomes Yeswear
We’ve also rebranded our clothing supply strand of Yespromo. We feel that Yeswear has a very positive ring to it. Yes, you want to wear good quality clothes and workwear. Yes, you want to brand your clothing in the most professional way, and yes, we can provide it to you within the shortest possible time frame, within budget and to the highest of standards.
Creating our own Branded Gifts to celebrate our new brand
We have been busy sending out our own promotional items to our current contact base to show off our new branding. Our catalogues are sent out at the beginning of each year, a soft copy can be viewed online or your can request a hard copy if you want to share ideas with your marketing team. We’ve sent out some very handy calendars, which arrive flat and can be posted as a standard letter size – ideal for cost effective marketing; especially as calendars stay on a desk all year round!
We’ve an abundance of Yespromo pens reminding people of our striking new purple brand, and we’ve had some stunning quality umbrellas created that we’ll be using when we’re out and about. We’ve helped a lot of contacts stay safe with our own branded Card Shields; our Director Shirley has also enjoyed adding a splash of purple to her workwear wardrobe, with a new embroidered cardigan, and some rather special glitter print t-shirts.
Enhancing your brand and marketing campaigns in 2018
If you have recently rebranded too and would like to create a resource pool of promotional items ready for marketing campaigns and client visits, do get in touch to talk through options. Maybe it’s a case of notebooks and pens ready for a training day, new uniforms, or an exhibition you’re preparing for? In addition to your promotional gifts, we are also very happy to recommend some of our own trusted and tested suppliers for additional marketing activities too; design, copywriting, web development, social media, video… we have a great relationship with many marketing agencies.
We look forward to celebrating business success with you in 2018!
Contact: Shirley Price:
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